Court Side Chic
Every once in a while it’s fun to just play with clothes. Try things on, see what outfit combinations can be invented. When I was a teenager, I used to spend hours “playing” like this in my closet. As an adult, I sadly don’t have that kind of leisurely time anymore, though I still like to get in there and try out different outfits and accessories, mixing and matching to my heart’s content. This post came about near the tail end of summer, as I was putting away the summer athletic wear from our days at the tennis courts. I’ve always loved tennis attire, and I wear it on and off the court during the warmer months. It’s court side chic.
Since I dived deep into my closet and just allowed the creativity to flow, I’ve repurposed some pieces that are not currently available anymore. Some of them I have been able to link, or find similar styles. Either way, enjoy a little court side chic!

I did find the exact Black Short Sleeve Top and very similar Black Striped Track Pants

If you’re fancying a silver butterfly clutch, this is similar to the one I carry.

I found a green tennis out with a matching skirt and top. The outfit I am wearing is an out of stock Tory Burch Sport skirt and a vintage Bruno Manetti stretch blazer.
My white high-top Converse are still in stock, along with my Gucci socks. My baseball hat is an Amazon find.

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